Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Neil Gaman's "Neverwhere"

This book was pretty good, and now that I've found out that there is a tv series based on it, I'm going to have to search for it on Netflix. Starts out with our main character, Richard, and his stuck up fiance Jessica. They are walking to dinner with her boss, when a woman, Door, is laying bleeding on the sidewalk in front of him. Jessica steps over her and is ready to go to dinner and forgot that a person is laying bleeding on a sidewalk, and Richard isn't. He picks up Door, who insist not to be taken to a hospital, and takes her to his apartment where he bandages her up and takes care of her until she's better. For being a good guy, his fiance dumps him. Good riddance. Door aplogizes to him, and sends him to find a man named De Carabas. They leave Richard's apartment, and Richard goes to work, only to find he doesn't have a job...and then his landlord rents out his apartment. In fact, everyone ignores him and basically treats him like he doesn't exist. He goes to find Door for help with this, and finds out that by helping her, he basically doesn't exist in the world as he knew it anymore. There are two Londons...London Above, and London Below, and London Below is basically everything from Above that has fallen through the cracks. Time, locations, people, artifacts, all sorts of things. It's rather fascinating. The story is well written, and long story short, Richard saves the day, tries to go back to normal life, decides it's not for him after all, and goes back to Door and De Carabas. Good book. I recommend this one. Now, off to look for that tv series on Netflix!

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